On May 31, 1975, the Faculty of Letters, University of Indonesia has opened a new department, is the Department of Philosophy. During preparation, the Dean of the Faculty of Letters, Dr. Harsja Bachtiar, consider :

The students, which consist of Bachelor and Bachelor, will study the nature of European philosophy, starting from Greece to Germany, Britain, France, and also the philosophy of America, India, and China. Is it not reasonable that it should also be studied philosophy grows in Indonesia alone?

education philosophy
Javanese Philosophy

It was decided to hold the courses Javanese Philosophy, Indonesia to start teaching philosophy. The first phrase is dropped to the philosophy of Java because Java 's cultural life with a wide kesustraannya, can be used as a source of natural philosophy to explore Indonesia.

The next Chairman of the Department of Philosophy, Dr. Soerjanto, based on this provision, argues that indeed we have pioneered the excavations of philosophy in Indonesia itself . In the course of time giving lectures organized forms and patterns of philosophical thinking systematically .

Beginning of Course Javanese Philosophy

Original philosophical problem itself or Indonesia has long been thought to be the Bachelor Netherlands in the 1940s in this country . In 1939 Prof. Dr. I.J. Brugmans was given the task of the Dutch Government to conduct research and provide advice on the establishment " of the Faculty of Literature " ( Faculteit der Letteren ) in Jakarta . In a report dated August 18, 1940 has compiled advice. Among others, that " once again needs to be emphasized on the need to give courses to equip the Bachelor of Philosophy with a critical view of his own method of thinking and knowledge as well as to compare the minds and attitudes of Western and Eastern .

So on to say : "In my travels in Indonesia has always raised the question : what should be studied Philosophy ? East or West ? The answer is always : both. We must bring to the students of all systems of thought in achieving the ultimate knowledge gained in the world.

This argument also applies to Indonesia, just restriction because, in contrast to India, Indonesia Does not have the original philosophy ( philosophie autochtone van hier te lande is geen sprake ), so the lesson is more emphasis placed on teaching Western philosophy."

This statement to get a response from Dr. P. Zoetmulder in Java magazine, under the title : Geen eigen Wijsbegeerte ? ( There is no philosophy itself ? )
Here it is not found the original philosophy ? Or if not found anything in the culture here, and because of the reasons that can be understood we think mainly of Javanese culture, which deserve the name of philosophy? Not meant whether in Javanese culture obtained sistema - sistema philosophy that little number has been specified and are rounded. Nor is whether here obtained a philosophy that grows in the earth itself and develop into a form of its own. It is not the case : the question is whether really should we deny the existence of philosophy ( Wijsgerig Denken ), in any form, in Javanese culture, both in the form of ancient and modern. Fortunately, that is based on real facts, we can believe that the opinion menginkari their original philosophical thinking that is not true .


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