Ronggowarsito or better known as Raden Rangga Warsita Ngabehi, born in Surakarta, Central Java on March 15, 1802 and died in the same place on December 24, 1873 at the age of 71 years. Raden Ngabehi Ranggawarsita known as the last great poet of the island of Java, because during his life he has been in the world of literature and became a great poet of Javanese culture that lives in Surakarta.

education Javanese philosophy
Raden Ngabehi Ranggawarsita

In his youth, Ranggawarsita personality was very far from the world of literature. Because at that time he was known to be very naughty and likes to do gambling. From this ugly temper finally he was sent by his grandfather in a boarding school in Ponorogo, the boarding school in the village of Gebang Tinatar Tegalsari leadership of Kyai Imam Besari. As long as they are in boarding schools, ugly nature was still there even she could escape to the Madiun area. But all that has changed since he got enlightenment on the River Kedungwatu. The result from that moment he became a pious and intelligent young man in the Koran.


Ranggawarsita professional career began on October 28, 1819 when he was appointed as the Carik Kadipaten Anom ( Mas Pajanganom degree ) by Panembahan Buminoto (sister Pakubuwana IV ). But since the government Pakubuwna V (1820-1823) Ranggawarsita career is not as smooth as before. Because it is no relation to his dislike Pakubuwana V ( new king ) with Panembahan Buminoto always urged rank Ranggawarsita be raised.

The wife of Raden Ayu Ranggawarsita is Gombak, son of the adipati Cakradiningrat in Kediri. They were married on November 9, 1821. However, this marriage is not running long because Ranggawarsita feel the saturation in the household so she decided to travel accompanied by Ki Tanujoyo. Wanderlust trip Ranggawarsita with Ki Tanujoyo arrived on the island of Bali in order to study the texts of Hindu literature collected by Ki Ajar Sidalaku.

The peak of glory Ranggawarsita career was during the reign of Pakubuwana VII to be appointed as Panewu Carik Kadipaten Anom with the title of Raden Ngabehi Ronggowarsito on September 14, 1845. At these times many literary works were born of handwriting Ranggawarsita. It is also supported by good relations between Ranggawarsita with Pakubuwana VII. And also he was known as an accomplished astrologer since it has the magic of science.

The work of Ranggawarsita more inclined to things that are symbolic. And this shows her privilege. Examples of literary works that highlight the elements of the symbol is that it is said he understood the language of animals. From this it can be interpreted that Ranggawarsita have a sensitivity to the problems faced by small people.


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